Latest Health Articles

Vitamin D banner

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There’s been lots of buzz about vitamin D in the last decade and is regarded by some as a “Super Nutrient” with a multitude of broad benefits.

stomach acid

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The cause of gastrointestinal distress & inflammation is not the “too much acid” culprit everyone thinks it is…it’s actually quite the opposite!

treating insomnia with functional medicine

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Our circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles of physiological, mental & behavioral changes that influence our sleep-wake patterns, hormone production, hunger & even cell regeneration.

natural treatment for the common cold

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Often times, patients will wait until their symptoms become unbearable & then attempt to use over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to alleviate their symptoms.

treating insomnia naturally

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Difficulty falling and staying asleep has become an increasingly commonplace problem in modern life with almost 20% of the adult population estimated to have some form of insomnia.

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