Begin Your Healing Journey With Us

Go beyond symptom-masking. Our integrative system of doctors and Functional Medicine practitioners combine the latest research in herbalism, nutrition, mindfulness, bioenergetics, and advanced technologies to uncover the root cause of your health concerns and empower you to thrive.

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What Is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine offers a powerful new operating system and clinical model for assessment, treatment, and prevention of chronic disease to replace the outdated and ineffective acute-care models carried forward from the 20th century.

Functional Medicine incorporates the latest in genetic science, biological systems, and the understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.

Functional Medicine enables physicians and other health professionals the ability to practice proactive, predictive, personalized medicine and empowers patients to take an active role in their own health.


What Makes Us Different

While natural medicine can be profoundly powerful, just because it’s natural doesn’t mean that it’s actually addressing the root cause of illness. So often, patients come to us on a multitude of supplements, on strict diets and exercise regimens, etc…yet they are still struggling fiercely with their health. There is a better way, but we must dive deeper.
Integrative Wellness Fx will actually help unravel the cascade of conditions that have caused illness at the root, design an individualized treatment plan accordingly, and empower you through diet/lifestyle education to maintain your health going forward with ease and cost-efficiency.

With so many factors now weighing down on our health, we must be more aggressive and address it from multiple angles. We utilize the true plethora of therapies and technologies available – ranging from ancient natural medicines to emerging energy modalities, peptide therapy, and liposomal nanoparticle delivery systems.

Why Do We Need Functional Medicine?

Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, and Crohn’s disease, to name a few.

The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care (the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration) and urgent care (such as appendicitis or a broken leg).

Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and treating complex, chronic disease.

There’s a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous —the known gap in the industry is as long as 50 years, particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness. Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, and exercise to both treat and prevent these illnesses in their patients.

Consultation Experience

Our comprehensive Functional Medicine workup offers a 90-minute initial consultation to review all relevant paperwork, labs, and medical history to assess the myriad of factors contributing to each individual’s unique expression of disease.

Moreover, by the end of their first appointment, each patient will have an initial treatment plan to address their current symptoms and even begin some root- level work if they are ready.

The workup also offers a personalized food plan and lifestyle suggestions with an option to work with a Health Coach to implement them.

Our comprehensive lab panels will go beyond typical blood work and actually elucidate the root causes of disease and inflammation itself.

"Functional Medicine involves understanding the origins of illness (the root cause as to why the individual is presenting disease and/or symptoms), its prevention, and the treatment of complex, chronic disease by incorporating the best of contemporary medicine and the history of effective practices that have supported healing through millennia."

What You Get:

At Integrative Wellness Fx, we believe your health journey is unique. That’s why we offer consultations unlike any other, designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to thrive.

More than just a checkup, your first visit sets the stage for lasting transformation.

We go beyond symptoms, delving into your lifestyle, health history, and any underlying imbalances affecting your well-being.

  • Full workup & assessment: Connect the dots between your symptoms, medical history and the various factors causing disease.
  • Custom lifestyle & dietary recommendations: Tailored to your needs with numerous resources for implementation and sustainable change.
  • Individualized supplementation: The highest quality professional-grade nutraceuticals customized to your symptoms, preferences and needs.
  • Advanced Diagnostics: Gain clarity on the specific labs needed to uncover hidden root causes and efficiently optimize your health without the guesswork!
  • Patient education: Empower yourself with knowledge about your health and its key drivers.
  • Detailed visit summary: Your personalized roadmap to health. Receive a comprehensive document outlining everything discussed in each appointment for optimal implementation and organization.
  • Customized food plans & recipes: Delicious and nourishing options aligned with your dietary needs.
  • Informative handouts & educational materials: Deepen your understanding of your health and wellness.
  • Option for a Health Coach: Feeling overwhelmed and need someone to carefully walk you step-by-step through the healing journey? We’ve got you!

By the end of your first appointment, expect a comprehensive workup to assess the various factors causing imbalances in your body, an initial treatment plan to squash your current symptoms and begin addressing the deeper issues you are ready for, and recommendations for the labs necessary to elucidate root cause dysfunctions.

Our second appointment will be approximately a month later where we will review your progress, answer questions, review labs meticulously and modify the treatment plan accordingly.

What Our Patients Are Saying:

Kelli Mansfield
Kelli Mansfield
I first saw Dr. Morcom in 2019 for gut issues I was having and didn't originally have any expectations going into this but was hoping for the best. I completely followed his protocol for me through and through and within 3/4 months all of my symptoms I had were gone! And have been gone since! He is so knowledgable in this field and I still work with him today on anything I need help with. Highly recommend him! He's the best.
MG Welch
MG Welch
My hypoglycemia is gone! I am finally able to do intermittent fasting that I've been wanting to do for years! I am much healthier and have lost some stubborn couple of pounds after babies. I thank Dr. Morcom for his help and guidance with me in this journey. No doctor has been able to help me and I am so grateful I found him! ________________________ 4/25/24 - I am still going to Dr. Morcom. You can't get the in depth review of YOUR blood work and what YOUR body needs anywhere else. He knows exactly what to look for and doesn't go blindly. He goes off of the results he sees in your blood work AND symptoms. Don't second guess yourself, just go here and be ready to be on a ride to a better YOU. We are each created so differently and need individual analysis, he does such a fantastic job at identifying root cause of issues.
chelsea nicole
chelsea nicole
I've been working with Sarah for a year now and i really appreciate her kindness and patience with guiding me through this process. It has taken me longer than I thought it would to heal my gut but i truly FEEL like a whole new person since starting my supplement protocol. I truly didn't know anything about my internal body and how to properly care for it until we took my bloodwork and met Sarah and Kelly ( the nutritionist). While i am still working on cleaning my hormonal acne Sarah has encouraged me that i am almost there and i can feel and tell! SO grateful to have found this space. Definitely recommend.
Erica Yarbough
Erica Yarbough
Dr. Morcom was able to identify the root cause of my autonomic dysfunction and many neurological and GI symptoms! This is after 16 years of making no progress without functional medicine. I am now doing treatments and I have hope for the first time! My husband goes to Dr. Morcom as well! Treatments are beneficial for health unlike pharmaceuticals. Definitely worth a solid try to come here if you have chronic conditions.
Amy Cannon
Amy Cannon
I am incredibly grateful to have found Dr. Morcom and the Integrative Wellness FX team. I have worked with other functional medicine clinics and I have found Dr. Morcom's expertise coupled with the quality of medications to be superb. His website is top-notch and makes navigating, ordering and researching a breeze. My experience makes Integrative Wellness FX my number of choice and recommendation for anyone seeking help. Thank you Dr. Morcom!
Amy P.
Amy P.
Dr. Morcom is a wealth of knowledge! I'm so grateful I found this practice. Dr. Morcom is patient and he spends so much time answering my questions and explaining my lab results. I feel so empowered after each appointment. The supplements he recommended have helped me regain energy and confidence. Everyone I've interacted with at Integrative Wellness Fx has always been pleasant and helpful. I highly recommend!
Sarah Sampson
Sarah Sampson
Dr. Morcom has a vast array of knowledge and wisdom to support individuals at various stages of their healing path. He has been a wonderful and supportive ally on my health journey through helping me balance my hormones and address my gut issues. He helps create detox pathways tailored to specific needs that are incredible!
Maggie Barton
Maggie Barton
I started working with Dr. Morcom a few months after a near-death experience (I was hospitalized for an infection and went into septic shock). Not only did he help me get my energy up and inflammation down, he helped me address the trauma response that my body was going through. I’ve learned a lot of my mental health symptoms were actually connected to toxicity in the body. To my surprise, I conceived my first child after working with him for a few months. Now that I am postpartum, I am working with him again to do some deeper detoxification and healing that we had to put on hold during pregnancy. Within just a couple of months, my gut issues are completely gone and my energy is much higher! Dr M is the first practitioner I’ve worked with that actually addresses root causes of your issues, instead of going to medication first. I’ve worked with several naturopath providers who would discover deficiencies and put me on supplements long term to treat those without looking deeper. Dr M goes a step beyond that and investigates why the deficiency is happening in the first place. This is really the foundation of true health. He goes above and beyond for his patients and understands we’re all human and can’t be perfect 100% of the time. He works to customize your plan to your lifestyle and makes it very do-able. Thank you Dr M!!
Stacie McCaulley
Stacie McCaulley
*MUST READ!* This review is long overdue! First and foremost, for anyone looking to heal their body, they must understand that it is a process. If you want a quick fix bandaid without lasting results, you’ll find that functional medicine won’t give you that satisfaction. Prescriptions have a place in acute illness, but if you don’t take a functional medicine pathway, your pill cabinet will only grow in size over time. Functional medicine is a journey. By the time you contact someone like Dr. Morcom, there is a strong chance that you have YEARS of damage and inflammation accrued within your body that has manifested into disease. It is unreasonable to expect that what took years to manifest into a disease or ailment can be fixed over night or even within a few months. During the process you may have a flare up, or what may seem like a regression as your body purges toxins and repairs. With that said, the body is amazing and CAN heal. I’m a multiple autoimmune disease mess of a patient with a passion for holistic approaches and a vast knowledge of functional medicine. Unfortunately, I had a 2nd thyroid storm postpartum and decided to seek help. I found Dr. Morcom and his team. First impressions: everyone was kind, upbeat, and helpful. Dr. Morcom was peaceful in nature, calm, poised, and very well informed. We had an appointment where he navigated a pathway for healing and put my puzzle pieces together. Yes, there was plenty of information I already knew, HOWEVER, I’m a licensed healthcare professional. I’ve spent 500+ hours reading, learning, and searching for knowledge and answers in functional medicine. I had plenty of knowledge, but no direction. Dr. Morcom has the knowledge, case studies, training AND protocols to implement the things I learned AND he was able to educate me about plenty of things I did not know. Seeing Dr. Morcom provides the fundamental knowledge, customized direction/guidance, protocols, access to the right labs, nutritional workups, and apothecary. I’ve read through a few reviews and have seen an occasional complaint about pricing and disagree wholeheartedly. His prices are fair and justified. The cost of the supplements are also market value for the quality you receive. It’s a front loaded investment to repair your body so it’s efficient and stronger in the long run. 10/10 I definitely recommend Dr. Morcom.

How Is Working with a Functional Medicine Practitioner Different?

Functional Medicine practitioners (FMPs) promote wellness by focusing on the fundamental underlying factors that influence every patient’s experience of health and disease. FMPs assess which systems are out of balance and dive deep into what the contributing factors are for that particular patient.

Once the FMP understands the contributing factors to the underlying issue, they design a treatment plan utilizing a systematic, therapeutic order for optimal healing that is unique to the patient’s health story. FMPs consider a range of contributing factors in the overall health story of an individual:

Environmental Factors

Functional Medicine practitioners look at environmental factors like the quality of air and water you consume, your exposure to ingested and environmental toxins, what types of food you eat, and the quality of that nutrition.

Psychological & Sociological Factors

Psychological, spiritual, and social factors can all have a profound influence on your health. Considering these areas helps the Functional Medicine practitioner see your health in the context of you as a whole person, not just your physical symptoms.

Genetic Makeup

Although individual genes may make you more susceptible to some diseases, your DNA is not an unchanging blueprint for your life. Emerging research shows that your genes may be influenced by everything in your environment, as well as your experiences, attitudes, and beliefs. That means it is possible to change the way genes are activated and expressed.

"All of your body’s processes are influenced by environmental factors and your genetic makeup; when they are disturbed or imbalanced, they lead to symptoms, which can lead to disease if effective interventions are not applied."

Advanced Diagnostics


We unlock the hidden answers to your health questions through advanced diagnostics.

Our Approach:

  • Beyond the basics: We use in-depth testing to uncover the true cause of your inflammation and dysfunction, not just treat symptoms.
  • Individualized: Each patient gets a unique puzzle solved, with tests chosen specifically for their needs.
  • No guesswork: Advanced tests reveal nutritional deficiencies, gut imbalances, hidden infections, genetic predispositions, and more.

Our Tools:

  • Nutrient, Metabolic, and Gut Analysis: Identify key inflammation and deficiency sources.
  • Comprehensive Bloodwork: Test hormones, thyroid, metabolism, immunity, and more in one go.
  • Functional Genomic Analysis: Unlock powerful insights from your DNA to personalize your health plan.
  • Specialized Tests: Dive deeper with food sensitivity, gut health, toxicity, and other concerns.

Functional Medicine Is a Comprehensive Approach to Health and Well-Being

Most imbalances in functionality can be addressed, some can be completely restored to optimum function, and others can be substantially improved:

  • Prevention is paramount. Virtually every complex, chronic disease is preceded by long-term disturbances in functionality that can be identified and effectively managed.
  • Changing how the systems function can have a major impact on the patient’s health.
  • The Functional Medicine practitioner examines a wide array of available interventions and customizes a treatment plan, including those with the most impact on underlying functionality.
  • Functional Medicine expands the clinician’s toolkit. Treatments may include combinations of drugs, botanical medicines, nutritional supplements, therapeutic diets, or detoxification programs. They may also include counseling on lifestyle, exercise, or stress-management techniques.
  • As a patient, you become an active partner with your Functional Medicine practitioner. This type of partnership allows you to be in charge of improving your own health and changing the outcome of a disease.